Adopt "Down Loose" Attitude toward Housework

Housework can expand to fill all the time available. We can't change the never ending chores, but we can change our perspective and adjust our standards. This is a good tips for sharing......

Adopt a "Downloose Attitude" toward Housework
by Elaine M. Gibson

If you had to list the most important things in your life, would housework be one of them?

Housework can expand to fill all the time available. We can't change the never ending chores, but we can change our perspective and adjust our standards. Peggy Lennon (yes, one of THE Lennon sisters) published a booklet for Kentucky Fried Chicken over twenty years ago called "On the Homefront: Speaking for the Management" in which she recommended ten common sense theories for downloose homemaking. Remember, it's all a matter of perspective.

Theory One: No task is more important than the Big Picture.

If things are generally going well, don't worry about the particulars. If a detail is bothering you, take care of it now. Either do it or don't do it, but don't worry about it.

Theory Two: What's worth doing is not worth overdoing.

Housework deserves to be done adequately, not perfectly. If you do a perfect job today, you will still have to do it again tomorrow.

Theory Three: Homemaking is non-competitive.

Ignore commercials on television and ads in the magazines. Why try to be as good as someone else, or even better? Give yourself permission to live by your own standards; and give others permission to live by their standards.

Theory Four: Handle things only once.

Don't waste valuable time worrying about doing it, or wishing that it was done. If you are going to make your bed, do it when you get out of the bed.

Theory Five: A stitch in due time is fine.

Or, if you can't stay ahead of the game, it is okay just to keep up.

Theory Six: Don't think.

Thinking about a disagreeable task adds weight to the task. Instead of bemoaning the fact that beds must be made and dishes washed, get on with the work and use your mind for other thoughts. Establish routines to free you from having to think, plan, and worry about chores.

Theory Seven: Things left until the last minute will be completed in the shortest amount of time.

We can spend time worrying about a task or we can wait until it MUST be done and use the adrenalin that would have been wasted on worrying to help us complete the task immediately. For instance, the house is a mess. The phone rings and out-of-town surprise guests call from across town to ask directions to your house.

When "Panic Time" sets in, two hours worth of housework can be accomplished in twenty minutes. If we can use Panic Time for guests, we can use it to provide personal time for ourselves.

Theory Eight: Never waste a bad mood on a good project.

When feeling grouchy, miserable, down and out, or maybe just sleepy, find a correspondingly rotten task -- something you have put off for months (like that mess under the kitchen sink or in the hall closet.) Working on the miserable task has two advantages. Not only can you get an odious job out of the way, you haven't squandered a perfectly good mood. Good moods are for spending with your family, and for yourself.

Theory Nine: Knock a chip off the old block.

A little bit chipped away at a time will eventually complete the whole project. Don't overwhelm yourself.

Theory Ten: When in doubt, throw it out.

Clutter makes housework impossible. Make it a habit to get rid of possessions that do not serve a useful purpose or give pleasure to the family. If you can't throw it out, store it out of the way.

These "downloose" theories remind us to relax, to keep things in perspective, and to enjoy the time we have with our families. When "messy house guilt" attacks, we need to say, "So what?" We need to say it to the dust, the dirty windows, and the sticky floor. If we don't get to it now, we will get another chance. The years go quickly and the children will be gone. There will always be dust, dirty windows, and sticky floors. .

Put housework after the important priorities, like taking care of yourself and being with people you love. Don't waste valuable time on the things that can't love you back.
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